To read or not to read? (Reflection on reading habits)
When I was a child, I started reading as most children do: by school impositions. However, I must say, this was the starting point of a delightful relation between reading and me. It is true that not everything I used to read was enjoyable or interesting at all, but I learnt the art of reading to learn something, to extract something useful. Nowadays I read many less thick books, what anyone would call "proper readings" but the reading I do is much more pleasant and thoughtful than it used to be. I plan very well my readings and I devote all the time it requires to make the most of it. Besides this, I have "bits of reading" when I sit every night for the storytelling time with my child. I love picture two that depicts a grandmother and what seems to be her grandson reading together. It makes me think that reading is not always something individual, but that provides beautiful moments of sharing and slow living in this fast-moving world. All these good emotions...
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